Saturday, October 22, 2016

Corona, Bow Tie and Jug Handle

Corona and Bow Tie were suggested by a friend and our guide through White Rim Road and Shafer Trail (another blog) and they were well worth it.

The first shot is from the west (looking east)

And looking west from the east:

As you can tell - it's a huge arch.  Walt sat under neath and got this shot of the span of the arch.
 But this arch also has someone looking over it to protect it that you can see the best in the afternoon sun:

The extra added attraction at this site is Bow Tie Arch, which I guess if you turn sideways this sorta looks like a bow tie - sorta.  Walt's photo here is a really good presentation of the arch, but what I love so much is the gorgeous sandstone against the blue sky.  Not to get too artistic, but these are opposites on the color wheel and they are so common in art of this area and look so beautiful. Nature has a great way of presenting us with great color combinations.

And finally because I didn't have any place else to put this....Jug Handle Arch.  This was the first arch on our 4 x 4 ride on the White Rim Trail and the Shafer Trail.  More on that next post. 


Unknown said...

Glad you were able to get to Corona Arch, and that you enjoyed it. Great pictures!!

Unknown said...
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