Monday, September 17, 2012

Slot Canyons

 We had a great day of canyon-ing (is that a verb - oh well it is now!)  Canyon-ing in So. Utah means slot canyons....and they are a blast.  The rain and water and wind erodes certain layers of the soil (not dirt, dirt is something you sweep out of your home!), and therefore some layers of soil stay (are harder to erode) while other layers wash away with the water.

Here is Willis Creek waterfalling into the wash that is going to lead to the slot canyons on further downstream. 

Most slot canyons have washes or creeks through them, and as the area had, had a goodly amount of rain recently we had seen a lot of roads washed out on the road to Willis Creek.  But once there we were treated to a fine show.   These are some of the spectacular photos from Walt's new Canon that really capture the swirls and movement on the slot canyon walls.  I'm continually fascinated by the colors and the designs the water makes;  ridges so perfectly formed, you think someone came through with an intricate Dremel drill!

But one bad thing happened.  We traveled most of the creek today with another couple from Colorado.  You can see them here in the bottom of this shot.

They were lovely and we promised to leave our contact info.  However, on the way back to the car, Claire was attacked by a cactus (and she was just minding her own business - promise!) and the cactus won.  So being the artist and always aware of her fingers and hands and keeping them in as agile condition as possible, became very worried about all the prickly-thingies sticking out of her hand.  So leaving a name & contact info became, get me back to the RV now so I can get these flaming sticky things out of my fingers moment!   Not until we were back in Cannonville, did we remember that we hadn't left a note one.   Alas, hopefully they can see the blog or our site, and hopefully find us that way!

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